Created in collaboration with local primary school children, Lookout is a one-to-one encounter between one adult audience member and one child performer taking place somewhere high up overlooking the city. Together performer and audience member look out at the city and imagine its future. The conversation they share is a quiet journey through the past, present and future guided by the streets and landmarks laid out before them.

This website is a library of all the possible futures that have been created as part of this project. Here you will find recordings of the children from each city that we have visited describing the future as they see it. In each place the city is imagined 30, 60 and 90 years in the future, accompanied by an illustration of the future city and in some cases, by photographs of the performance taking place.

Explore the archive and compare the way both the city and the future changes from place to place.


Lookout was originally commissioned by The Arches and the Unicorn Theatre.  Supported by Arts Council England.

More information about this project and other work can be found on my website: